Hyperthermia (thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a critical condition which occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat that it can consume. This is as a result of continuous exposure to high temperature. The heat-regulating mechanisms of the body becomes overwhelmed an unable to adequately deal with the heat causing the body temperature to rise out of control.
Drugs or medical devices can also artificially create Hyperthermia. Drugs or medical devices used in treatment of cancer and other conditions may artificially create hyperthermia. Healthy cells are less heat sensitive than cancer cells.

The possibility of overheating in 1910 in order to increase the radiation effect on malignant tumors was explained for the first time. A number of studies were run to further investigate this therapy form in the seventies.

Research has shown that temperatures up to 440C can destroy and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues. Hyperthermia may decrease or lessen tumors, by killing cancer ells and destroying proteins and structures in the cell.

Hyperthermia is used with forms of cancer therapy, like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Hyperthermia m ayh harm other cancer cells that radiation is not able to damage. The effects of certain anticancer drugs, can be enhanced by Hyperthermai, which is mutually strengthened and a healing more likely – the so – called synergetic effect of hyperthermia. Research have found out that cytostatic drugs (chemotherapy substances) clearly act more aggressively at temp over 400C than with the range of the normal body temperature.