
Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention - 3

Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention - 3
It's important that you are sure you do not have autoimmune thyroid disease before supplementing with iodine as it can potentially make this condition worse. The form of iodine to ingest is extremely important as well. Iodine supplements come in the form of iodide and iodine. Iodide mainly fortifies the thyroid gland and iodine the breast. It's best to take a compound of both of these types of iodine. I use drops and capsules depending on the patient and the dose needed.

Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention - 2

Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention - 2

According to the world-renowned and brilliant immunologist Dr. Aristo Vojdani, "You and I can be exposed to exactly the same amount of chemicals and our response will differ, perhaps by a hundred fold. Therefore, carcinogenic agents in the environment are more harmful to certain members of society than others who are similarly exposed and significant gains in cancer prevention will come only from ensuring that these more vulnerable people are protected. It has been estimated that in the absence of environmental exposure to toxic chemicals, cancer incidence would be reduced by 90%.

Prevention of cancer is the best treatment,

Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention

Breast Cancer - A Focus on Prevention
According to the Center for Disease Control, "Aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast cancer is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women." Nearly 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be reported this year. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women and results in 500,000 deaths every year. The more developed the country, the greater the incidence of breast cancer.


How to Reclaim Women's Life After Breast Cancer - Part 2

Regular exercise and eating well also top "to-do" list, as part of an effort to embark on lifestyle changes that enhance the chances for long-term survival. She also promotes weight management, particularly as a response to certain cancer medications such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, which can cause women to put on pounds. Exercise can help healthy people keep in good condition, and also can help patients recover. So please do not hesitate to join the group to do some exercise.

How to Reclaim Women's Life After Breast Cancer - Part 1

Nowadays, more and more women suffer from breast cancer, especially some young women. So breast cancer got more and more attention. With October designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness month, one expert offers breast cancer survivors some guidance on what they can do to reclaim and maintain their health.

First, cancer survivors should summarize their prior treatment for their primary care physician, and enlist the doctor in an effort to monitor the long-term impact that radiation, chemotherapy and other aggressive interventions can have down the road. In this way, you can find the best way to treat your disease.

Fear of cancer recurrence should be tackled head on, she said, by getting a firm understanding of one's particular risk and seeking out counseling to help manage concerns. It will offer no help if you just worry about the disease but do not give offers to overcome them. Heaven helps those who help themselves.

Do You Know That Cancer Has More Than Four Hundred Natural Therapies?

Yes! You heard right cancer has more than four hundred natural remedies that has been used by millions of people to beat cancer, if I may ask what is wrong about one using natural foods, fruits, vitamins and a lot of other in expensive and readily available substance and ingredients in reversing, stopping or preventing cancer.

Why is it that most of us don't want to hear anything about alternative treatments? A times when we do, it is only when the conventional medicine has passed death sentence on us; it is only then we turn to alternative treatment grudgingly and a times by then we are weak and fragile without determination or faith to fight cancer.


Cyberknife Treatment for Breast Tumors - part 2

Breast cancers have no known common cause; however, doctors have identified certain risk factors. These are:

* Heredity - Women who have relatives like their mothers or sisters who developed the disease have a higher percentage of developing cancer themselves. But it is important to point out that about 85-90% of cases are not hereditary.

Cyberknife Treatment for Breast Tumors - part 1

Cyberknife Treatment for breast tumors is fast becoming to be the treatment of choice of most breast cancer patients because of its state-of-the-art technology. More and more women are discovering the benefits of this modern treatment. This read will give you a crash course on breast tumors as well as more information on this current trend, the Cyberknife Treatment for beast tumors.

Cancer is characterized by an abnormal growth of tissue cells. Breast tumor or breast cancer is any type of malignant growth found in the breast tissue. This is the most common cancer among women, affecting one of eight American women.

The two most common types of breast cancer are ductal carcinoma which arises from

Breast Cancer Treatment Choices - part 2

A woman who has been diagnosed with cancer, from a biopsy, then will see a surgeon who specializes in breast cancer. Surgery to remove the tumor is always needed, as long as the tumor is in the breast it will grow and chances are the cancer cells will travel away from the main tumor and spread throughout the body. These cells that move away from the main tumor will settle and grow into tumors in other parts of the body, not just the breast. The surgeon will ask questions about the woman's health and ask about the woman's family. If a woman has family members that have, or have had breast cancer, this information will be included in treatment decisions. The surgeon then will discuss ways to treat the cancer. A mastectomy which is a removal of the breast that has the cancer in it, with one or more lymph nodes removed is one choice. A lumpectomy which is removal of the cancer tumor and a small amount of tissue surrounding the tumor is another choice. The size of the tumor, determined by the mammogram, will influence these choices. If the tumor is large a lumpectomy may not be a good choice. The smaller the tumor, the better the chances of survival for the woman. The larger the tumor the more involved the surgery will need to be, such as a mastecomy. Sometimes chemotherapy is needed before surgery; the chemotherapy will hopefully shrink the tumor and kill cancer cells that may have moved away from the main tumor (metastasized). When this is done before the surgery, the hope is that after surgery most or all of the cancer will be gone and only radiation will be needed. Chemotherapy may be needed after surgery depending on the type and stage of the cancer.

Often the surgeon will ask a woman to see a radiation oncologist before her surgery. This consultation will allow the radiation oncologist, another cancer doctor who specializes in radiation, to review the woman's case and to offer choices of treatment. The options this doctor may offer are whole breast radiation after surgery, or partial breast radiation after surgery, or no radiation if a woman has a mastectomy and no cancer cells are found outside the breast that was removed in surgery.

One type of partial breast radiation is brachytherapy. Breast brachytherapy has been available for some time, but not all doctors are familiar with it. Brachytherapy of the breast is a good choice for some women. The size of the tumor and the location of the tumor are two of the determinations if this is a good choice. If the cancer is found out side of the breast, brachytherapy is not a choice for a woman. Brachytherapy is radiation given to the area where the cancer tumor was. This is where most cancers come back, in the same area they were to begin with. Brachytherapy can be given over five days, where as whole breast radiation if given over 6 weeks. This is an advantage for women who do not live near a cancer treatment center, women who live busy lives (most women do), or women who don't want to prolong their treatments. When a woman chooses breast brachytherapy the applicator that will allow radiation to go right into the space where the cancer was; is placed at the time of surgery. Brachy means close. It is another advantage of brachytherapy. Only the tissue around where the cancer tumor was is radiated; the normal tissue is exposed either not at all or to such a low level of radiation it is not affected by the radiation.

Breast Cancer Treatment Choices part 1

Breast cancer can be treated with a mastectomy or breast preservation surgery, lumpectomy, followed by radiation and sometimes chemotherapy. These are the best ways to prevent reoccurrence of cancer. The most common place for cancer to come back is in the same area where it was found the first time.


Breast Reconstruction Options After Mastectomy

Breast cancer is a common cancer nowadays. Some of the patients will have to undergo a surgical operation as a part of the management plan. Mastectomy is a surgery that involves the removal of one or both breasts. This surgery can cause an emotional and a cosmetic problem in those women due to the loss of her breast.

However the solution is Breast reconstruction. As the name suggests, it is a surgery that rebuilds the breast after mastectomy so that the normal shape and size will be attained. There are many factors involved and will be explained in details in this article.

Timing of reconstruction:

Reconstruction can be done either immediately after mastectomy (in the same surgical setting) or delayed after months and years from the mastectomy surgery.

Studies have shown a psychological effect, cost-effectiveness and better cosmetic appearance with the immediate reconstruction.

Surgical options:

Breast Cancer Awareness

This October is the month of the Breast Cancer Awareness. Lots of people are going to cooperates in this event through wearing pinks. It is very important that we became a part of this kind of events, to educate people around the globe about this kind of illness.

Over 1.3 million of women are diagnosed who acquired this kind of disease every year. Wherein almost half a million of its patients died, on its record 40,000 of them came from the US.

Many of us are unaware about the signs of breast cancer, and it is very important to know the early signs of this illness for early treatments and medications.

Breast Cancer Treatment - Cause and Cure

According to GLOBOCAN, an estimated 12.7 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million deaths occurred in 2008. The most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide are lung (1.61 million, 12.7% of the total), breast cancer (1.38 million, 10.9%) and colorectal cancers (1.23 million, 9.7%).
Breast Cancer Treatment in the mainstream medicine consists of three choices:
1) Chemotherapy
2) Surgery
3) Radiation Non of them can cure the underlying cause of breast cancer. All three mainstream treatments share the same intention - to "kill or cut". The allopathic approach 'there is a symptom and it must be eliminated' does not solve the problem and is not based on any scientific evidence for successful breast cancer treatment.
The metastasis theory proposes that cancer cells break off of a primary tumor, travel through the bloodstream and lymph system, and randomly attach to other organs, where they cause a second cancerous growth. The process is believed to be uncontrolled, with mutated, "malignant", and rogue cells acting on their own, against the normal order and intelligence of the body.
"How cancer cells become metastatic still remains a mystery" Yale University
New breast cancer treatment must be watched and understood in a holistic way, considering the whole body, mind and spirit as unity. On the physical level it is obvious that there must be an imbalance present to cause any kind of organic problem. On the mental - emotional level is a conflict always the main cause for emotional distress. To be receptacle to any form of disease our biological energy levels in the meridian system must be low or extremely low.
Emotional stress (shock, conflict) is lowering the biological energy in the entire meridian system immediately and can disturb the pH balance in the body, which will have an effect on the physical level. Breast cancer is always the result of an unexpected conflict or shock with tremendous impact. Is the woman right handed and there was a child conflict present - cancer will develop in the left breast, was it a partner conflict the cancer will be in the right breast and vice versa if the person is left handed. To develop more cells rapidly in the breast is just a natural reaction of the body to that conflict and it is a sign that the person is already in the healing phase.
It is more than ridiculous to kill or cut out this natural solution of the body to the conflict. It will do more harm than good. To be able to solve the problem with a holistically oriented breast cancer treatment we consider four main issues to be solved.
1) Work on the conflict-shock situation to overcome it.
2) Increase the meridian energy level on a daily basis ( pulsating energy resonance therapy )
3) Complete detoxification (MMS) and balancing of the pH level
4) Change of nutrition and emotional behavior - (let go therapy)
All four components can be successfully accomplished from home. They have no side effects, work completely natural and guarantee 100% remission in breast cancer therapy.
More on the topic natural cure of disease on New-Planet.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_McCain


What Is Hyperthermia Treatment?

For those who are fighting the battle against cancer, it is often important to explore every possible therapy option. In addition to the standard cancer treatments of chemotherapy, radiation and surgical therapies, there are also a number of alternative treatments that can be utilized. Hyperthermia, which is a method of using heat to weaken and destroy cancer cells, is one of these alternative treatments. Researched and studied by doctors such as Dr. James Haim Bicher, hyperthermia offers new hope and help for many cancer patients. These treatments, offered as an alternative to surgical and high dose chemotherapy methods, have produced good results for many people.
The Theory behind Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia works on the principle that cancerous tumor cells, due their disorganized structure, are less likely to be able to withstand the detrimental effects of heat as compared to healthy body cells. As a result, when cancer cells are exposed to heat, they are weakened or even killed. Because of the effect the heat has on the cells, hyperthermia is sometimes used alone for the purpose of directly killing cancer cells. However, more often it is used in conjunction with other traditional treatments, to weaken the tumor cells and make them more susceptible to the other treatments. For example, when hyperthermia is used prior to radiation therapy treatments, the tumor is rendered more susceptible to radiation. As a result, the other more traditional treatments are often more successful. Because it works so well as a complementary therapy, it is often paired with other cancer treatment methods. Patients have experienced success with hyperthermia, even in cases where the cancer has become advanced or has reoccurred.
Administering Hyperthermia Treatments
Because not all cancers are alike, there is no one way to administer hyperthermia treatments. Depending on the location and type of cancer, there can be different therapy methods that can be more effective. In some cases, the heat is applied externally. This often works best on cancerous tumors that are present in the skin, or are at least located close under the skin. In these cases, high frequency waves can be applied externally, using a device outside the body, to apply the heat to the cells. If the cancer is not accessible externally, then internal methods of applying the heat must be utilized. In these cases, sterile probes are sometimes used in order to access the cancerous cells. Using the probes, heat is applied directly to the cancerous cells, often by using high frequency energy. For cancers that have spread throughout the body, there are also whole body hyperthermia methods that can be used.
Receiving Hyperthermia Treatments
For the cancer patient, hyperthermia treatments often produce far fewer serious side effects, as compared to many other cancer therapies. Although patients sometimes experience reddened skin, irritation, blisters, or perhaps a minor burn, these effects are generally far less severe than what is experienced with many other cancer treatments. Although whole body hyperthermia methods do tend to carry a greater risk for side effects, as long as the treatments remain within the accepted temperature limits, the normal body cells generally remain unharmed. Because of the work of dedicated doctors and researchers, cancer patients can often find new hope in the form of hyperthermia.
If you're looking for an alternative cancer treatment, then you should talk with Dr. James Haim Bicher MD from the Valley Cancer Institute (recently renamed Bicher Cancer Institute). No matter if you're suffering from breast cancer or another type of cancer, learn more about hyperthermia and Dr. James Haim Bicher MD by calling them at 310-398-0013.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fiona_Baron

Some Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer diseases. Women with cancer of the breast may suffer from its symptoms and treatments. Moreover, this type of cancer is not only a single disease. There are several kinds of this cancer and they may have greatly other implications. This type of cancer also ranges from restricted cancers like ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) to enveloping cancers that can quickly scatter.
Furthermore, in the center of the spectrum are breast cancers like papillary carcinomas and colloid carcinomas that have a much more positive viewpoint than the other more normally enveloping these cancers. With this, there are also several symptoms of cancer of the breast that you can see and feel. The most common of all is the lump in your breast.
Once you notice a lump or are aware of any new changes in your breast, you must need to see your doctor right away. Even though most of the lumps in breast are not cancerous, you still need to go to your doctor so that you can know if you have the chances of having this kind of cancer. Additionally, if you have this cancer, your doctor can give you an earlier medication and treatment.
Other symptoms of breast cancer are:
1. Changes in shape or size of your breast.
2. The dimpling of breast's skin.
3. The breast tissue is thickening.
4. The nipple on your breast is become inverted.
5. The thickening or lump behind your nipple.
6. You may also see some rashes like eczema that affects your nipple.
7. The rare symptom of this kind of cancer is a blood stain that discharges from your nipple.
8. The lump or swelling in your armpit.
On the other hand, remember that pain in your breast is typically not a sign of this cancer. As a matter of fact, several healthy women find that their breasts feel tender and lumpy before a period. In addition, some kinds of breast lumps that are not cancerous can be painful.
In order to survive in this kind of disease and if you feel and see that you are already experiencing some of its symptoms, then you are advisable to go to your doctor for early diagnosis and treatment. For more details about the signs of breast cancer you can visit http://www.healthlearns.net for more information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Honylyn_Bueno

How To Prevent Breast Cancer Naturally

For those who are fighting the battle against cancer, it is often important to explore every possible therapy option. In addition to the standard cancer treatments of chemotherapy, radiation and surgical therapies, there are also a number of alternative treatments that can be utilized. Hyperthermia, which is a method of using heat to weaken and destroy cancer cells, is one of these alternative treatments. Researched and studied by doctors such as Dr. James Haim Bicher, hyperthermia offers new hope and help for many cancer patients. These treatments, offered as an alternative to surgical and high dose chemotherapy methods, have produced good results for many people.
The Theory behind Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia works on the principle that cancerous tumor cells, due their disorganized structure, are less likely to be able to withstand the detrimental effects of heat as compared to healthy body cells. As a result, when cancer cells are exposed to heat, they are weakened or even killed. Because of the effect the heat has on the cells, hyperthermia is sometimes used alone for the purpose of directly killing cancer cells. However, more often it is used in conjunction with other traditional treatments, to weaken the tumor cells and make them more susceptible to the other treatments. For example, when hyperthermia is used prior to radiation therapy treatments, the tumor is rendered more susceptible to radiation. As a result, the other more traditional treatments are often more successful. Because it works so well as a complementary therapy, it is often paired with other cancer treatment methods. Patients have experienced success with hyperthermia, even in cases where the cancer has become advanced or has reoccurred.
Administering Hyperthermia Treatments
Because not all cancers are alike, there is no one way to administer hyperthermia treatments. Depending on the location and type of cancer, there can be different therapy methods that can be more effective. In some cases, the heat is applied externally. This often works best on cancerous tumors that are present in the skin, or are at least located close under the skin. In these cases, high frequency waves can be applied externally, using a device outside the body, to apply the heat to the cells. If the cancer is not accessible externally, then internal methods of applying the heat must be utilized. In these cases, sterile probes are sometimes used in order to access the cancerous cells. Using the probes, heat is applied directly to the cancerous cells, often by using high frequency energy. For cancers that have spread throughout the body, there are also whole body hyperthermia methods that can be used.
Receiving Hyperthermia Treatments
For the cancer patient, hyperthermia treatments often produce far fewer serious side effects, as compared to many other cancer therapies. Although patients sometimes experience reddened skin, irritation, blisters, or perhaps a minor burn, these effects are generally far less severe than what is experienced with many other cancer treatments. Although whole body hyperthermia methods do tend to carry a greater risk for side effects, as long as the treatments remain within the accepted temperature limits, the normal body cells generally remain unharmed. Because of the work of dedicated doctors and researchers, cancer patients can often find new hope in the form of hyperthermia.
If you're looking for an alternative cancer treatment, then you should talk with Dr. James Haim Bicher MD from the Valley Cancer Institute (recently renamed Bicher Cancer Institute). No matter if you're suffering from breast cancer or another type of cancer, learn more about hyperthermia and Dr. James Haim Bicher MD by calling them at 310-398-0013.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fiona_Baron



“Early detection is the key to surviving Prostate Cancer examine yourself today”

It is estimated that more than twenty-eight thousand men die yearly from prostate cancer. Most men that are diagnosed with this type of malignancy have a survival rate of almost ninety-eight percent thanks to early detection. I hope the information in this article may help increase the survival for you.



Frequent eating of fast food and bad human life style are well known to be major cause of breast cancer cells in the human body. Other habits that will incite cancer and increase the growth of cancer cells are: frequent intake of acidic foods, lack of exercise, drug and smoking.



Prostate Cancer

What is the best prostate cancer treatment? This has been a recurrent question for well over hundred years. There may not be a definite answer for the question. However, this article is aimed to give you food for thought and might help you form some questions to ask your doctor.



Surprisingly enough treatment for prostate cancer radiation (also known as Radiotherapy) may not be the best treatment for a prostate cancer patient. It depends on age and health the patient before radiation treatment will be required.

This article serves as information purposes only not for medical advice. Always consult your personal physician when any physical illness arises.

One important thing a patient needs to know is a prostate malignancy is perhaps one of the slowest growing tumors of all the other cancers. Years may pass without any noticeable growth of the tumor because it is so slow. When this occurs your doctor will generally tell you that you are in stage one of the diseases.

During this period your doctor will monitor your health. Before, he or she decides on what course of action to take. You might get the impression that the doctor is being somewhat cavalier about the whole thing. Rest assured though your doctor is not being cavalier. He or she is doing what most practicing physicians will do when you are first diagnosed with prostate cancer and making the decision if prostate cancer radiation treatment is needed.

There are various tests the physician will carry out on a patient to monitor him or her. A good and most common test which can determine prostate cancer is known as the Digital Rectal Examination.

This method may be uncomfortable but quite simple, requires the doctor to insert a gloved finder up the rectum. This enables, he or she, to feel the prostate and tumors, therefore enabling them to tell if there has been a change in the size of the tumor or additional tumors have formed. Other test includes the PSA blood test.

The PSA stands for (Prostate Specific Antigen) is a protein which is produced by (you guest it) the prostate gland. Small quantity of the protein passes into the body through the blood. Between zero and four is the normal PSA count in the blood.

The PSA count could also be higher depending on your age. Level 10 or more indicates the possibility of prostate cancer. Although other physical conditions have the level that high that is why a PSA test is not the only test used to detect the malignancy. It is advisable that additional blood test and other test are used to finalize the diagnoses and form a plan of attack on the disease.

Radiation treatment may be one form used to attack prostate cancer radiation treatment. Radiotherapy is a process whereby your doctor uses a high intensity x-ray to beam radiation directly onto the prostate.

This is usually done small dose of a few minutes duration at a time. This therapy is normally recommended if the disease is localized instead of surgery.

There are various factors your doctor must consider before deciding if prostate cancer radiation treatment should be your plan of attack.



Prostate Cancer

There are specific prostate cancer questions and answers you need to know, if you are 50 or over 50 years of age. You could find yourself in trouble and facing the possibility of a premature death without this knowledge.

Very Important

This article serves as information purposes only not for medical advice. Always consult your personal physician when any physical illness arises.

Question 1

What is prostate and where is it located?


The prostate is a male sex gland about the size of a walnut. Its purpose is to create fluids that mix with the seamen to protect the sperm. You will find the prostate gland located around the bottom of your bladder and it surrounds the urethra tube, through which you pass urine and sperm from your body.

Question 2
What types of symptoms normally show up in a prostate malignancy?


It is unfortunate that symptoms may not show up form many years. The reason for this is because this type of cancer is so slow growing. However, when the symptoms do show up, they may be caused by another medical problem not just prostate cancer. Outlined below are some of the lists of symptoms:

a. Passing blood in the urine or semen
b. Pain in the hips, lower back, pelvic region or even the upper thighs.
c. Difficulty in urinating, in getting and maintaining an erection.
d. To name a few

You are advised to consult your doctor immediately if you are manifesting any of these symptoms.

Question 3

What are the odds of a man over fifty being diagnosed with a malignancy of the prostate?


If you are fifty or older in the United States you stand a 1 in 6 chance of being diagnosed with a malignant tumor or tumors of the prostate. However if you are of African American and Hispanic heritage you stand an increased chance of prostate cancer of 1 in 4.

Question 4

Is it possible to detect a prostate malignancy early?

Yes it is possible to detect a prostate malignancy early. Presently there are tow primary tests, one of which is a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE). This test is carried out by having the man bending over or laying on his side and the doctor inserts a finger up through the rectum to the prostate. By doing this he will be able to know if the prostate has hardened and increased in size.

Ordinarily if your doctor detects a hardening or increase in size of the prostate he will order the second test. This test is often referred to a PSA blood test. The aim of the PSA is to detect if you have an increased level of prostate-specific antigen in your blood. With a count of six or higher your doctor may order more test to determine if cancer is present in your body as the normal count is about four.

More than 90% of prostate cancer is detected early, thanks to the widespread use of these two tests in men over 50 and earlier for the African American man.

These four prostate cancer and answers is just a few out of many that you should know. Again it is strongly recommended that you contact your attending physician and other medical professionals for specific answers to your questions.



Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer info may well save your life or the life or your loved one or friends. Information will give you power to help control life. Information about cancer prevention, early warning signs, prognosis and treatment will help to give you peace of mind and hope for the future. The importance of information cannot be over emphasized. The purpose of this article is to discuss some of these things about prostate cancer.

Please note that this article serves as information purposes only not for medical advice. Always consult your personal physician when any physical illness arises.

1 out of 6 of all males within the US and the borders of Canada will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their life. That statistics is dismaying to you, right? By taking steps to help you be among the five who are not diagnosed with the malignancy you can reduce odds. You will produce the hormones and chemicals related to keep your prostate healthy by exercising from 30mins to an hour a day. The easiest way to help you prevent the disease is to eat as healthy as you can.

The early warning sign that you may have a problem is one of the best prostate cancer information, which you can be introduced to. The pressing need to urinate frequently is one of the first signs you may notice. A burning sensation might be experienced when urinating. Though other physical problems can cause these symptoms, to determine what the real cause is, you should contact your doctor for immediate testing.

It might interest you that having prostate cancer is better compared to having one of the other cancers. Nearly all men diagnosed with a malignant prostate will receive an excellent prognosis about the disease. This disease has an extremely high healing percentage (98%) and many professionals believe it can be cured 100%. Once again early diagnosis and prognosis is very helpful to determine the prostate cancer treatment available to you.

Your doctor first treatment may only involve waiting to see how the disease progresses because he knows that the tumor or tumors in the prostate are extremely slow growing. Month or even years may go by before your doctor moves in to a more aggressive treatment. These are several treatment options and combination of treatments which will benefit you.

Knowledge is power! So information on prostate cancer does give you power. Your knowledge can add a day to your life.



Prostate Cancer

This article will discuss the possibility of new prostate cancer treatments as wel as proven and tried treatments.

Very Important

This article serves as information purposes only not for medical advice. Always consult your personal physician when any physical illness arises.

A company called Dendreon had developed provenge which is one of the newest drugs for prostate cancer treatment. Provenge is believe to have fewer side effects than the other toxic drugs currently approved for use in advanced cases of prostate malignancy. The side effects for Provenge are said to be similar to a case of flu and generally cease after 2 to 3 days. Some of the other toxic drug side effects are so bad they may even result in death in as many as 1 to 2% as shown by the clinical trials conducted by Dendreon. Dendreon clinical trials also show that Provenge may extends life up to as much as 4 1/2 months for those with little hope.

Thanks to recent technology growth one of the proven therapies, Cryotherapy, has taken on new life and new hope. This therapy is more effective during the early stages of prostate cancer. It uses sub zero temperature to freeze the prostate cancer.

It is commonly used where the cancer is identified within the prostate. Doctors are able to treat the tumors with a new needle called a cryoneedle because the cancer is identified. The good news about this method of treatments is its accuracy.

With the use of transrectal ultrasound and switching from liquid nitrogen to helium gases and argon, the effectiveness of the treatment has increased.

In conclusion all prostate cancer new treatment should be discussed with your personal Doctor.


Prostate Cancer Treatments - Stages

Prostate Cancer Treatments - Stages
Do you know that nearly 1 out of 6 men living in North America will need to have some form of prostate cancer treatment throughout their lifetime? Should you happen to be 1 out of 6 diagnosed with a prostate malignancy you are fortunate to live in this day and time. Your chance of surviving more that 5 years after treatment is more than 98% to 100%. This article is aimed to help enlighten you about some treatments for prostate cancer.

The purpose of this article is for information only and should not be mistaken for medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any medical issue

Granted that the survival rate of prostate cancer is extremely high compared to other types of cancer, it is still a very serious illness. Information concerning your illness disclosed by your general practitioner should be discussed by you and your general practitioner with seriousness. You will be referred to a specialist by your doctor in many situations, such as an urologist or oncologist for further testing and treatment.

Your doctors will know which 1 of 5 stages of development your cancer is in once the results of the advanced testing have been obtained. The battle plan you and your physician will put together, will be determined depending on the stage of development the tumor is in.

Stage One: Malignancy found within the prostate only

Stage Two: More advanced cancer but still contained within the prostate

Stage Three: More advanced and spread outside the prostate to surrounding tissue

Stage Five: Cancer has metastasized (spread) to other parts of body

Recurrent: Cancer has returned after treatments

As this particular form of cancer is a very slow growing type of cancer, there are several options; you and your health professional may elect to follow. Below are some of the options available to you depending on which stage your cancer is in.

Stage 1: Often referred to as localized, the physician may suggest the following treatments:
• Wait and see. (Closely monitored)
• Radiotherapy
• Radical prostatectomy (full removal of the prostate)
• Hormone therapy

Stage 2: More advanced but still localized within the prostate only:
• Watchful waiting (with increased monitoring activity)
• Radiotherapy (may or may not be with hormone therapy)
• Radical prostatectomy (perhaps hormone therapy or not)
• Hormone therapy

Stage 3: Cancer advanced outside the prostate to nearby tissue:
• External-beam radiotherapy (Hormone Therapy or not)
• Hormone Therapy
• Radical removal of prostate (possible hormone therapy or not)
• Increased monitoring by the doctors

Stage 5: Prostate cancer metastasized (spread through out body and bones):
• Hormone therapy
• External-beam radiotherapy (with or without hormone therapy)
• Very closely monitored
• Chemotherapy

Reoccurrence of Prostate Cancer:
• Close monitoring
• Possibly all of the above treatments

As you can see from the above there are a good number of options open to men with prostate cancer. It will be up to you and your doctor to determine which prostate cancer treatment or combination of treatment would be right for you.


Prostate Cancer Treatment Latest Advances - Options

Prostate Cancer Treatment Latest Advances - Options

Are you aware that the prostate cancer treatment options available today a cure or total remission is almost a 100% foregone conclusion? The truth is astonishing at what has taken place in treatment options over the last 2 decades. In this article you will learn about some of the medical therapy used to fight prostate cancer.

Note: The purpose of this article is for information only and should not be mistaken for medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any medical issue
Take a look at these comparisons below for you to grasp the impact of the remarkable remission stats (5years or larger) for prostate cancer against other organ cancers.

- Prostate Cancer - 98%
- Lung and Bronchus - 15%
- Esophagus - 14%
- Breast Cancer - 87%
- Pancreas - 4%
- Liver - 7%
- Testis - 96%
- Urinary Bladder - 82%
- Ovary - 53%

Note these stats may vary depending on the latest studies

The lists of the cancer stated above are just a few of the many different types of organ cancers. But the remission factor for prostate cancer victims is dramatically higher thatn any of those not listed. The reason why the remission results are so for prostate cancer victims is basically because of early detection of the disease and phenomenal prostate cancer treatment options of today.

Each of the treatments available today can be used during the varying stages of development of the cancer. Chemotherapy is one therapy that is used very rarely.

Chemo becomes the drug of choice for your doctor, when all other therapies or combination of therapies, such as hormonal treatment and removal of the prostate gland have failed. In most cases, the cancer has masticated into other parts of the body including the bones, before chemotherapy is prescribed.

If you cannot tolerate hormonal therapy (surgical removal of the prostate gland or radiation therapy) Cyrotherapy which is a newer therapy may be recommend. This is done by using a probe through the skin to target the tumors. Then the tumor or tumors are frozen. This type of therapy if used will reduce your stay in the hospital, there will be less pain and the recovery period will be shorter.

The prostate cancer options discussed in this article are only a few of the options available to you. You should analyze these options, as well as the others, with your medical team.

What you need to know about prostate cancer cure

What you need to know a Prostate Cancer cure

More than 186,000 men every year in the US alone, just diagnosed with a malignancy of the prostate, are hoping there is a prostate cancer cure. These 186,000 join an exclusive club of approximately 5 million others in the US with prostate cancer. Approximately 28,000 out of the 5 million will die each year from the disease of prostate cancer. Though, thousands of others with a malignant prostate will die from other diseases and natural causes, but not from the effects of prostate cancer. This article will review the truth about a prostate cancer cure.

There is no cure for prostate cancer at the present time. In order words no one treatment has been found to be 100% effective in curing a malignant tumor of the prostate. But almost all men with the prostate disease can take hope. The chief reason for this is that many of these treatments and combination of treatments have been found to slow or stop the growth of the cancer for more than 5 years or longer.

It is a fact that more than 90% of all men, with cancer of the prostate, will find themselves in total weakening after being treated for the disease. A large number of these men will go on to live for more than 10 years or longer. However, most medical professionals continue to advise these men to be screened on a regular basis.

The major reason these patients are advised to be screened on a regular basis is because of the risk of recurrence or hidden cancel cells were not destroyed during the treatments. Thus allowing these cells to escape into the blood stream and perhaps infecting other organs or bones of the body. And sure this type of cancer is slow growing it may take years for it to manifest itself in other areas of the body.

Those in the medical field continue to believe that a prostate cancer cure is just around the corner, because of the above results and further research into the genetics of the cancer cells. In addition, other studies are currently underway or looking at a vaccine that may prevent prostate cancer from occurring.

In truth, it is not difficult to visualize there will being a complete cure within the very near future. Over the last two decades, progress has been made in research and technology. Even as you are reading this article, new tech is on the drawing board which will advance overall treatment of prostate cancer and possibly lead to that ever elusive cure.

In conclusion of what you need to know about prostate cancer cure, in order to be one of those “cured” consult with your Doctor and stay informed.


Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the colon and rectum. Women who have never used hormone replacement therapy and are postmenopausal have a higher risk of colon, but not rectal cancer, than women who are pre-menopausal and of the same age, and dietary habits.

Non cancerous clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps are usually the way most cases of colon cancer starts. Cancer of the colon and rectum is a malignant tumor arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Changes in bowel habits, persisting cramping, gas or abdominal pain, blood in your stool, may be the signs and symptoms of colon cancer. It is best to get regular colon cancer screenings, since colon cancer can grow for years without causing any symptoms.

It is important that all men and women age 50 and above should have a colon cancer screening as this may help prevent colorectal cancer by finding pre-cancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. The preferred procedure for normal risk individuals is a screening colonoscopy every 10 years, or annual stool test for blood and a flexible sigmoidoscopic exam every three to five years.

For those with a personal history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps; non-hereditary polyposis; pre-disposing condition e.g. inflammatory bowel disease; family history of colorectal cancer; screening colonscopy needs to be available at frequent intervals.

Recent research suggests that a high fiber low-fast diet plays a role in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Although the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not known, it is possible to prevent many colon cancers through diet and exercise.

All over the world breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer offer lung cancer (10.4%) of and the 5th most common out of cancer death. the most common cancer amongst women, worldwide with an incidence rate more than twice that of colorectal cancer and cervical cancer and about three times that of lung cancer. in 2005 502,000 deaths occurred worldwide as a result of breast cancer. the number of cases has significantly increased since the 1970's, phenomenon partly blamed on modern lifestyles in the Western World.




It is essential to determine the breast cancer stages as it enable the patient and doctor to identify the treatment necessary for one’s condition. It is also vital in assessing the risk of the given condition and what lifestyle changes the patient can do to improve their health.


Identifying a breast cancers stage is aimed at describing the degree of the cancer in the body. Factors considered on how to stage a breast cancer are number of nymph nodes involved, size of the tumor, and other parts of the body the cancer has managed to affect.

One advantage in determining a cancer’s stage is it is useful during prognosis and deciding on a treatment option.

For the stage to be determined, the patient undergoes physical exam and biopsy to acquire the data needed by the doctor for the prognosis.

If need be, further tests are also carried out such as bone scans, CT scans, imaging test that include X-ray , mammograms for the breast and Positron Emission Tomography (PET).


The breast cancer is rendered non-invasive by this stage. Cancer, and breast cancer cannot be detected.

At this stage the abnormal cells tries to extend within the particular part of the breast where the cells are rooted.


At this stage the cancer cells work their way towards the neighboring tissues. At this stage some features are noticeable.
a. Lymph nodes are affected
b. The cancerous tumor has reached the size of 2cm.


This stage is further grouped into 2

Stage 2 (i)
a. a tumor does not exist in the breast but cancerous cells are detected in the lymph nodes.
b. A tumor that may exist measures less than 2cm.
c. And the tumor has expanded further than 2cm but less than 5cm without reaching lymph nodes.
The tumor is less than 5cm, but exceeds 2cm.

In the first category of stage 3 tumor could easily be noticeable or not. The cancer may stick together outside of the lymph nodes and become clustered together.

Stage 3 (i)

Gradually it progresses to a stage were inflammatory breast cancer takes place. Tumor grows in size and affects other parts of the body outside of the actual breast.

(ii) This is the final stage. Breast cancer signs might not be detectable yet, in some cases. Whereas, the tumor could already be spreading towards the chest wall, breast skin, and below your collarbone.

Stage 4

Is a critical stage of the levels of breast cancer. The various organs of the body might have been infected by the spread of the cancerous cells. This signifies the initial diagnosis of breast cancer. Since the cancerous cells are easily detectable.




It is vital that every woman be aware of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, this will make it easier to recognize them and seek treatment if necessary.

The changes in the size or shape of breast should be observed by women as this an indicate the presence of a lump that may or may not be cancerous in nature. Pain as discussed earlier on this blog is not a good indicator for breast cancer.

Some of the symptoms include:-

1. Inversion of nipples
2. Dimples on the skin

Other symptoms include_

Redness on the skin on the breast this is usually referred as “inflammatory breast cancer” on the notice of these signs, immediately contact a doctor to get diagnosed. The better your chances are of staying healthy, when you are diagnosed early.

Is a rare condition which effects the breast. The symptoms are:

i. Slight flaking texture around the nipple
ii. The color of the skin around the breast changes
iii. There might be itching sensation and general irritability around the breast area these condition may cause a lump on the breast.



It is important you look after yourself, after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

It is not very easy to get/ask or help, but family, friends, neighbors; Church member can always support you when you call for their help.

It is always advisable to be precise about your illness to your partner or children.

For comfort you can meet with patients who have survived with similar symptoms which may help you form your own circle.

- After treatment now you are recovery. – You may ask what if it recurs:
Speak think positively spend more time with your friends and loved ones to keep your mind off that subject.

No two people are the same and no two conditions are the same neither so they cannot be compared, if you heard someone died from breast cancer don’t mean anybody suffering from this ailment will equally die. There are some cases most women do not die from breast cancer. It is good if your lump has been detected early the prognosis. Keep in mind that research into forms of cancer is continuous.

Cheer up and enjoy life and plan for the future.